AMOSSHE governanceHere are the governance documents for AMOSSHE, The Student Services Organisation (strategy, articles and rules of association, Executive roles and values, and operating policies). Changes to the articles of association may only be made by a membership vote, taken at the AMOSSHE annual general meeting. Also, here are the papers from AMOSSHE's annual general meetings (AGMs) and the agendas and minutes of AMOSSHE's Executive Committee meetings: AGM and Executive meeting papers. |
AMOSSHE strategy 2019 to 2024
Here's AMOSSHE's strategy for 2019 to 2024. The strategy was developed by the AMOSSHE Executive Committee in consultation with our membership. The strategy includes a statement of our organisation's values, mission, guiding principles, and strategic priorities (PDF 2 MB). |
Articles of associationAMOSSHE is governed according to these articles of association (updated March 2021, PDF 207 KB) | Rules of associationAMOSSHE is governed according to these rules of association (updated March 2021, PDF 169 KB) | Executive roles and valuesThe roles of the AMOSSHE Executive Committee are defined by these roles and values (updated February 2024, PDF 193 KB) |
Expenses policy | Expense claim |
| 2021/22
| 2020/21