
Here's the latest news from AMOSSHE, The Student Services Organisation.

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  • 11 May 2022 16:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    AMOSSHE WalesA collaborative working group of AMOSSHE Wales, NUS (National Union of Students) Wales, Universities Wales, and ColegauCymru has published a set of policy recommendations designed to further improve mental health services in Welsh colleges and universities.

    The working group was set up to develop some key principles for Welsh Government to consider embedding in mental health and wellbeing policy for students in post-16 education. The recommendations have a strong focus on prevention, early intervention and greater connection between agencies.

    The recommendations include prioritising investment in mental health, service redesign promoting a ‘no wrong door’ approach to mental health support, and a call for education and statutory health services to work in partnership to protect students’ mental health.

    The recommendations are based around a set of key principles including:

    • Parity of experience: students should be able to access a consistent standard of support, regardless of where they live and study.
    • Appropriate and effective information sharing between relevant bodies.
    • An understanding of the roles, remits and responsibilities of educational institutions and statutory health services.
    • Additional support for student transitions - for example as they move from school to college, college to university, from education to employment, or back into learning as adults.
    • The need for student mental health services to be supported by stable, long-term funding.

    Read the recommendations here: Good Practice Case Studies: Post-16 Mental Health Services.

    Hefin David MS, Chair of the Senedd’s Cross Party Group on Universities, said:

    “When the Cross Party Group on Universities discussed student health and well-being we saw positive examples of the work delivered by colleges and universities across Wales, while also gaining a clear sense of the scale of the need.

    “I’m pleased to see the Cross Party Group’s conversations led to the delivery of this work with the higher and further education sector coming together to identify opportunities for improvement in the provision of mental health support for students across Wales.

    “It is essential that education and health care providers are able to work together to support students, and the Cross Party Group on Universities will continue to advocate for Welsh Government’s backing in this important area.”

    Ben Lewis, Chair of AMOSSHE Wales said:

    “University student support professionals are an important part of the partnerships we need to grow to provide the best possible opportunities and outcomes for students in Wales. These policy recommendations represent an opportunity to create a new approach as we move beyond the pandemic.

    “We know demand and expectation is high and increasing. This provides a direction for us to work together with government, the NHS, funders and other partners to take action now to address this.”

    Becky Ricketts, NUS Wales President, said:

    “Students face a unique mix of pressures on their well-being, so it’s important that on-campus and NHS mental health services can work together to deliver a range of interventions. These recommendations, developed by the sector in partnership with students from across post-16 education, have the potential to boost existing services in universities and colleges, embed good practice across the sector, and make Wales a standard-bearer on student mental health.

    “It’s important that student mental health services continue to be backed by long-term funding to make sure that no matter who you are or where you study in Wales, you have access to timely and tailored mental health and well-being support throughout your entire education journey.”

    Professor Elizabeth Treasure, Chair of Universities Wales said:

    “The health and wellbeing of students is a top priority for universities in Wales, and these principles, if implemented, can play an important role in ensuring that students get the support they need at the right time and in the right way.

    This is an important example of collaboration across post-16 education of the type that the Tertiary Education and Research Bill hopes to encourage. We will continue to work in close partnership with our colleagues across tertiary education, and with statutory health services, to deliver a proactive approach to keeping students mentally healthy.”

    ColegauCymru Active Wellbeing Group Chair Simon Pirotte said:

    “This is an important piece of work where key players in post-16 provision in Wales have come together to tackle head on some of the challenges facing our post-16 learners. We look forward to working with the Deputy Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing and Welsh Government to progress this agenda.”

  • 25 February 2022 09:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    AMOSSHE bulletin (opens in a new window)Here's the AMOSSHE bulletin for winter 2022: a roundup of AMOSSHE news, events, and more (click image to view - PDF 2.1 MB).

    In this bulletin get an update on progress with AMOSSHE's five year strategy, which aims to enable our members through three key priority areas.

    Also, find out about how our members are contributing their expertise across the higher education sector, and learn about our recent and upcoming professional development opportunities.

    The bulletin also features updates from AMOSSHE's annual sponsors, whose support helps us deliver our programme of work and who help keep us in touch with developments and research in the sector.

  • 25 November 2021 12:25 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    AMOSSHE bulletin (opens in a new window)Here's the AMOSSHE bulletin for autumn 2021: a roundup of AMOSSHE news, events, and more (click image to view - PDF 1.8 MB).

    In this bulletin we introduce you to our newly elected Executive Committee team for the 2021/22 academic year, including a new Chair and Vice Chair. Find out about their ambitions for leading the UK’s Student Services association.

    Also, find out about submitting a proposal to lead a session at our National Conference 2022, which takes place in Newcastle upon Tyne and online. It's a great professional development opportunity to share your expertise with the sector. Also, find out about all the rest of our upcoming events.

    The bulletin also features updates from AMOSSHE's annual sponsors, whose support helps us deliver our programme of work and who help keep us in touch with developments and research in the sector.

  • 24 November 2021 11:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Earlier this year, students from all 19 Scottish universities contributed their views to the first national student survey on mental health - the Thriving Learners study.

    The study, which was co-ordinated by the Mental Health Foundation in partnership with Universities Scotland and funded by the Robertson Trust, was completed by more than 15,000 students between January and April 2021. The results of the survey were published on Thursday 18 November 2021, and they highlight that around 74% of surveyed university students have reported having low wellbeing.

    Responding to the results, Jill Stevenson, Chair of AMOSSHE The Student Services Organisation, said: “The results of this critical survey into student wellbeing in Scotland mirror concerning trends in our society, and we are very conscious that behind these statistics are real people, including students from all Scottish universities.

    “We know that student mental health and wellbeing is a priority for universities across the UK. AMOSSHE members have worked incredibly hard in recent years to enhance the mental health support and wellbeing resources available in their institutions. They have worked closely with students and colleagues as well as external partners to develop mental health strategies and agreements, and to increase investment in mental health, counselling, wellbeing and student support staff and preventative initiatives. Many institutions have also invested in digital mental health and wellbeing platforms to ensure that students and staff can access support 24/7.

    “However, we recognise that more can and should be done, and we welcome recommendations to further address mental ill health and low wellbeing. AMOSSHE and our members look forward to being part of further discussions with the sector, NHS, the Scottish Government, Universities Scotland and Universities UK and, critically, our students, to develop collaborative solutions.

    “In particular, we would welcome additional government support for mental health and wellbeing provision in universities, plus work to urgently enhance referral pathways and secondary support in the NHS. Universities are deeply committed to supporting our students, but it is important to recognise we cannot be a substitute for specialist NHS provision. Universities and Student Services practitioners will achieve the best impact if we work in partnership and focus on the areas within our expertise as part of a whole society collaboration.”

    Find out more about the Thriving Learners study: Nearly three quarters of university students surveyed in Scotland have low wellbeing.

  • 02 November 2021 09:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Media coverage in recent months has highlighted appalling incidents of violence against women and girls in our society. Most recently, reports of drink spiking and spiking by injection, particularly but not exclusively targeting women, have been circulating. Student Services professionals, in partnership with colleagues in universities and in partner organisations, have a remit to support students affected by spiking and gender-based violence and, as far as possible, to take steps to prevent these behaviours happening, through education, awareness-raising and robust responses to incidents. As a professional association for Student Services leaders and practitioners, AMOSSHE is committed to providing our members with the resources, information and support they need to help them carry out this work.

    Members are encouraged to discuss responses to reports of spiking with their local Gender-Based Violence / Violence Against Women and Girls and/or Community Safety partnerships.

    When developing statements in response to reports of spiking, AMOSSHE encourages our members to consider the following key points:

    • Spiking or other forms of intentionally drugging individuals is a serious criminal offence.
    • Anyone who has been affected is not to blame for being spiked. The fault lies solely with the perpetrator. We recognise that anyone can be a victim of spiking.
    • In emergency situations (for example concern about immediate safety or the need for urgent medical attention), anyone concerned should call 999.
    • If students need support following an incident or have been affected by gender-based violence in any form, they can contact their university's Student Services teams or Students' Union for information on how to report or receive support.
    • Messages encouraging student safety and risk minimisation (for example, how to recognise a drink that has been spiked) are helpful but should be conveyed in a way that does not reinforce victim-blaming sentiments.

    A significant amount of work is being delivered in universities across the UK in collaboration with a wide range of local and national partners to tackle gender-based violence. This includes awareness raising campaigns, training on consent and tackling sexual violence, developing robust reporting pathways, bystander intervention programmes, and training staff to respond effectively and sensitively to reports of gender-based violence. AMOSSHE will continue to support and enhance this work by providing resources and knowledge-sharing opportunities, and through continuing to influence discussions about gender-based violence and student safety on behalf of our membership. Our upcoming professional development event about healthy lifestyles will include a focus on topics including consent and respectful relationships.

    AMOSSHE will continue to work collaboratively with other sector organisations to support our members to develop strategies and to share good practice based on sector guidance, including that issued by Universities UK (Changing the Culture).

    Jill Stevenson, AMOSSHE Chair, said: "AMOSSHE is deeply concerned to read recent reports in the media of drink spiking and spiking by injection. Everyone has the right to socialise and attend night-time venues without being at risk of spiking or other forms of assault. We are clear that victims of spiking are not to blame. AMOSSHE will continue to work with our members and sector partners to prevent and tackle spiking and gender-based violence in higher education, and to support members of our communities who are affected."

  • 27 August 2021 09:43 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    AMOSSHE bulletin (opens in a new window)Here's the AMOSSHE bulletin for summer 2021: a roundup of AMOSSHE news, events, and more (click image to view - PDF 4.3 MB).

    In this bulletin we look back on our National Conference and recent continuing professional development events, and also reflect on the last academic year and the achievements of our members.

    Also, find out about our upcoming events, and save the date for next year's National Conference, which takes place in Newcastle upon Tyne. Plus, if you're not an AMOSSHE member, find out about the kind of membership that will give you access to all our resources and our professional network.

    The bulletin also features updates from AMOSSHE's annual sponsors, whose support helps us deliver our programme of work and who help keep us in touch with developments and research in the sector.

  • 03 August 2021 15:27 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    At last month's AMOSSHE Annual General Meeting, Helen McNeely (AMOSSHE Vice Chair Operations) announced the results of our recent Executive elections. Every year six roles become available on the AMOSSHE Executive Committee, and members have the opportunity to nominate themselves to join the team. The final candidates were chosen by a membership ballot.

    The elected members, who will serve for the 2021 to 2023 term of office, are as follows:

    • Jill Stevenson (University of Stirling) is the new Chair of AMOSSHE
    • Simon Lee (Teesside University) is the new Vice Chair

    Also, four Executive Members were elected for a two year term:

    • Emma Bales, University of Cumbria
    • Craig Best, The University of Sheffield
    • Sarah Cavendish, University of Leicester
    • Claire Slater, University of Bristol

    In addition, three more Executive Member roles have become available for one year, due to other Executive members leaving or changing roles. So three more Executive Members were elected for the 2021/22 academic year:

    • Kelsey Coward, Cardiff University
    • Sammy Li, University of Birmingham
    • Sarah Sweeney, Lancaster University

    Helen was joined by her Executive colleagues and members in welcoming all the new members to the Executive team. Find out more about the new Executive Committee.

    The Executive team also gave their thanks to Jayne Aldridge, who has left her role as Chair, Fay Sherrington, who has left her role as Vice Chair, and also Rotimi Akinsete, Anji Gardiner and Lesley O'Keeffe, who have left the Executive as well. Many thanks to them for all their hard work and dedication to AMOSSHE over many years!

    Nomination statements

    Here are the nomination statements from everyone who takes a role on the AMOSSHE Executive this year. These are personal statements about their intentions and why they're right for the roles:

    Jill Stevenson (Chair)

    Jill Stevenson (Dean of Equality, Diversity & Inclusion and Director of Student Services, University of Stirling) takes the role of AMOSSHE Chair. Here’s Jill’s nomination statement.

    Over the past four years as a committed and dedicated member of the AMOSSHE Executive Committee, I have invested passionately in enabling and empowering our members to deliver maximum impact and a world class student experience across our universities. I believe I have contributed significantly to AMOSSHE and that, as Chair, I can drive further transformation in collaboration with our members and partners to position the student experience and Student Services at the top of the agenda for university leaders, policy makers, funders, and regulators. During my time on the AMOSSHE Executive Committee, I have:

    • Led the development of the current five-year AMOSSHE strategy, setting a clear vision, set of values and strategic objectives for the organisation and our membership.
    • Co-chaired the 2019 National Conference in Birmingham.
    • Co-chaired the 2018 and 2019 Winter Conferences on Building Belonging and Mental Health.
    • Co-chaired the first AMOSSHE conference on anti-racism and racial equality in April 2021.
    • Represented members nationally and internationally on topics including gender-based / sexual violence, mental health and wellbeing, anti-racism and race equality, and student experience, including sharing our Resilience Toolkit with European partners and publishing a report for the sector on developments in Australia and New Zealand.
    • Championed the experiences and perspectives of Home Nations institutions, ensuring that they are considered in all aspects of planning and delivery.
    • Represented the sector on Universities UK, Universities Scotland and Scottish Government strategic and Ministerial groups, currently on Mental Health and Wellbeing, Equally Safe (GBV), 'Changing the Culture', and anti-racism, and contributed to successful lobbying for increased investment in Student Services.

    As AMOSSHE Chair, I will use my platform, influence, and leadership skills to:

    • Lead and support our members to build back stronger from the pandemic - in partnership with the Executive Committee, I will review our priorities to ensure that resources are targeted effectively at the most pressing and valuable areas and activities.
    • Build influential and impactful collaborations - nationally and globally - that further the aims and ambitions of our membership, in line with the vision of our AMOSSHE strategy.
    • Increase opportunities to engage members in our work, ensuring that the Executive Committee and National Office teams harness the talent and experience in our membership whilst further empowering our members and providing development opportunities.
    • Ensure that our work meets the evolving needs of the membership, particularly in the areas of policy analysis, continuing professional development, and agile response to developments in the external environment.
    • Ensure that the experiences and perspectives of members from across the UK, including all home nations and diverse institution types are represented in discussions and decision-making.
    • Ensure that the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion permeate all aspects of our work and are visible in all that we do.
    • Support the Executive Committee and National Office team, ensuring that their wellbeing and mental health are protected and enhanced and that they continue to derive fulfilment from their work with AMOSSHE.
    • Strengthen succession planning and ensure that the organisation continues to meet the highest standards of governance.

    I will dedicate strong vision, great passion and energy, coupled with 13 years of experience in higher education, latterly as Director of Student Services and Dean of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. I believe in the power of strong collaboration and an inclusive approach in all that I do. It would be a true privilege to lead our organisation and work in partnership with all our members to make a lasting, life-changing impact on the lives of the students we serve.


    Simon Lee (Vice Chair)

    Simon Lee (Deputy Director, Resilience, Sport and Wellbeing, Teesside University) takes the role of AMOSSHE Vice Chair. Here’s Simon’s nomination statement.

    I am currently a member of the AMOSSHE Executive Committee having been appointed in 2018 and I would relish the chance to step up into the Vice Chair position and continue to work alongside my colleagues to support the development and recognition of the great work of Student Services.

    Since joining the Executive, I have embraced both the challenges and opportunities that being part of the committee offers, working hard to promote the development of AMOSSHE and our profession. Examples include:

    • I was joint-lead for both the 2019 and 2020 Winter Conferences in Cardiff and Bath respectively focussing on "Data-driven, technology-enabled services for students" and "Mental Health and Wellbeing".
    • On behalf of the Executive Committee I have represented AMOSSHE at the NASMA conference (leading sessions on boundaries and resilience) and Universities UK roundtables on supporting international students and student initiations.
    • Chaired national conferences on student safeguarding and the 2021 Student Mental Health Conference.
    • Working closely with my Executive colleagues, I have supported the development of the new AMOSSHE Strategy and am taking the lead on the external development workstream with a view to building our links with Student Services professionals across the globe.
    • Responding to the needs of our members during the pandemic, changing the way AMOSSHE operates to ensure we continue to support colleagues in these most challenging of times.

    My day job is Deputy Director - Student and Library Services at Teesside University, where I lead a range of key student support functions, including mental health, student welfare, sport, and our multi-faith chaplaincy. I enjoy tackling the more challenging issues facing Student Services, having researched the management of multi-faith spaces for AMOSSHE, and I am the Chair of the North East Regional Prevent Group. I hope to continue and build on this work if elected Vice Chair.

    Having been an elected member of the Executive Committee for three years I feel ready to step up into the Vice Chair role as I understand AMOSSHE, the needs of our members and how we as an organisation need to respond. I have a range of leadership experience, which I believe equips me well, including chairing regional and national committees and events as well as AMOSSHE's work around international engagement.

    My priorities for the Vice Chair role are to:

    • Support colleagues as the sector emerges from the pandemic, ensuring that we return to campus safely but also keep and develop further those relevant innovations in how we deliver our services which have served us so well in the last 12 months.
    • Develop and grow our regional networks, building on their increased impact during COVID-19.
    • Strengthen our links with key policy makers and agencies, both at home and overseas, to ensure the voice of Student Services is at the heart of all relevant discussions.
    • Develop our approaches to the most challenging topics facing our profession, including diversity and inclusion, supporting international students, student mental health, relationships with local service providers, and helping those students who have been affected most by the pandemic.


    Emma Bales (Executive Member)

    Emma Bales (Director of Student Services, University of Cumbria) takes the role of AMOSSHE Executive Member for two years. Here’s Emma’s nomination statement.

    Having worked in higher education student support services for over 18 years, I am currently the Director of Student Services at the University of Cumbria (UoC), which is a role I have held for the last 12 months. I am keen to widen my engagement with the sector through actively contributing to the ongoing development of AMOSSHE to support its members, the sector and the student experience.

    I firmly believe in the transformative effect of higher education through raising aspirations and through the provision of excellent, accessible, impactful support.

    I am passionate about the student experience and committed to the delivery of high quality student support. Following my disengagement with higher education at the age of 18, whilst working at UoC I have been supported to complete a part-time MBA and a PGDip in HRM as a mature student with a young family. As such I have an understanding of, and empathy with, the pressures many students across the sector face.

    I have been fortunate in my career to date to develop knowledge and experience which I hope would be of benefit to the AMOSSHE Executive Committee. I have served as the Staff Director on the UoC board since 2013. Outside of work I am a member of the Board of Trustees for St John's Hospice North Lancashire and South Lakes. Through these roles I have gained valuable knowledge, skills and experience in relation to organisational governance and the role of a (non-executive) Director or Trustee.

    AMOSSHE's vision, mission and values resonate strongly with me, reflecting my own values and my leadership approach. Therefore, if I were successful in this application, I would consider it a privilege to join the AMOSSHE Executive Committee and support AMOSSHE in representing Student Services in the sector.


    Craig Best (Executive Member)

    Craig Best (Deputy Director Student Support Services, The University of Sheffield) takes the role of AMOSSHE Executive Member for two years. Here’s Craig’s nomination statement.

    Joining a new university at the start of the pandemic and working remotely was challenging and, at times, isolating. However, it showed me the real importance of connections and the essential need for collaboration and opportunities to share our frustrations and worries, and importantly an environment that enables us to map out a way forward. AMOSSHE has and continues to be that space for us all, and I have personally found it invaluable during the last 12 months.

    I would welcome the opportunity to be an Executive Member, to learn more about our sector and contribute to the work of AMOSSHE's priorities. I am keen to support the work already underway in establishing a dynamic and integrated movement by enhancing our approach to collaboration and membership engagement through providing more accessible opportunities to equip ourselves and others with the tools and skills to embrace the future of student support.

    My broad experience in Student Services and appreciation of the unique value proposition these services provide at all stages of the student lifecycle hopefully gives me the skills and knowledge to be part of your next Executive Committee. My career has focused on enhancing the student experience and equipping colleagues to provide the best support they can.

    Working in partnership has been key to this success and delivering on innovative technological solutions, such as student engagement dashboards, to bringing teams together to ensure appropriate end-to-end support and providing "how-to" and "what works" guides that can translate across organisations and teams.

    AMOSSHE is our organisation, and I honestly believe you get out what you put in. So I would love to volunteer my time and experience to ensure that AMOSSHE works in the best way to support our members and drive forward our aim to be a values-based movement of Student Services leaders.


    Sarah Cavendish (Executive Member)

    Sarah Cavendish (Head of Student Support Services, University of Leicester) takes the role of AMOSSHE Executive Member for two years. Here’s Sarah’s nomination statement.

    Since joining Leicester in 2018, I have been in awe of AMOSSHE and its work. I have personally appreciated the support and professional sharing of experiences through the AMOSSHE community - this has never been more important!

    I am keen to be elected to the Executive Committee of AMOSSHE as I believe Student Services' voice has much to say, and is very much the heart of the student experience and success within higher education. I believe I have a unique set of skills and professional background to offer the Executive team.

    My professional life as an occupational therapist has given me a unique understanding of the importance of 'occupation' = what we do, and the impact on our lives. This is a principle at the heart of supporting students' engagement in education and learning, and wider student experience. In addition, mental health is an intrinsic component to my career, due to spending the majority of my clinical practice in forensic psychiatry. This has been invaluable to understanding the mental health needs of the student population.

    On moving into academia I have gained an acute appreciation of the issues facing academics in supporting students, and the key role of Student Services. I then moved into professional services and organisational / population health and wellbeing, which has given me a fantastic grounding of social models to support health and wellbeing in large populations.

    There are a number of challenges within higher education currently, that I am keen to support AMOSSHE progressing its voice in: safeguarding, mental health, sexual violence, suicide prevention and service standards. I believe my ambition, experience and unique professional background make me an ideal candidate for election to the AMOSSHE Executive Committee.


    Claire Slater (Executive Member)

    Claire Slater (Director of Student Life and Wellbeing, University of Bristol) takes the role of AMOSSHE Executive Member for two years. Here’s Claire’s nomination statement.

    I have been working in Student Services for over 20 years and AMOSSHE has played an important part in my professional development. I have been a member of the AMOSSHE Executive Committee for the last three years and have worked with the National Office team on a number of projects. It has been a privilege to be involved in the ongoing work to support our members and I would like to continue in this role, networking with colleagues, organising different events and ensuring that the voices and opinions of our members are heard. I have organised a number of continuing professional development events including Crisis Communications, Intersectionality and Wellbeing, and Self-care, as well as helping to facilitate different webinars and online discussions. I am also part of the team that is planning the 2021 National Conference.

    I have also contributed to the development of the new AMOSSHE strategy, focussing on the member engagement workstream, reaching out to members to find out more about their views about what AMOSSHE brings to their professional development and what more we can do to continue to support them. I have also represented AMOSSHE at different events including the Universities UK Working Group that produced guidance on tackling staff / student sexual misconduct.

    I have personally really benefitted from both my AMOSSHE membership and my time on the Executive Committee, and would like to continue to give something back to the organisation and our members. I am committed to continuing to raise the profile of the important work we do in Student Services, supporting students, promoting equity and inclusion, making a difference every day but also to ensure that all our colleagues are supported in their roles and can benefit from everything that AMOSSHE can offer.

    I am the Director of Student Life and Wellbeing at the University of Bristol, leading on a number of key projects including the delivery of our Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy, the introduction of several new teams and services, including a Student Wellbeing Service, a Residential Life Service and a dedicated team to support survivors of sexual violence. I am also working with colleagues across the institution to plan and deliver a range of activities and campaigns to bring about cultural change, challenging unacceptable attitudes and behaviours and promoting and developing a more inclusive university experience for all. I have to say, I wouldn't be where I am today without the opportunities, skills, knowledge, support and inspiration from AMOSSHE over the years.


    Kelsey Coward (Executive Member)

    Kelsey Coward (Head of Operations, Cardiff University) takes the role of AMOSSHE Executive Member for one year. Here’s Kelsey’s nomination statement.

    I joined the Executive Committee in July 2020 on a one year tenure. I was co-opted following a request for expressions of interest from the Welsh AMOSSHE group to ensure that the Executive Committee had representation from all four UK nations.

    Since joining I have attended all the Executive meetings and co-led the continuing professional development event 'Rethinking disability services in a post-pandemic world'.

    I have learnt a lot since July and my confidence as an Executive Member has increased. I feel that I am finding my feet on the Committee and I am keen to continue to develop my knowledge, share my skills and provide continuity on the Committee in a year when many of my colleagues are relinquishing their roles.

    I have worked in higher education for 17 years in four very different universities both in England and in Wales. This experience combined with the different roles that I have had has given me a real understanding and appreciation of the need for AMOSSHE to ensure that it represents and supports all its members and can identify and respond to nuance as well as similarity and shared experience.

    I was the first in my family to go to university. With little understanding of higher education and unsure of where to seek help I struggled to find my feet and did not complete my course. Years later I decided to give it another go and returned to higher education as a part-time mature student enrolling at Birkbeck College, University of London. It was this second experience which led to a real love of learning and a change in career. I have really enjoyed working in Student Services and to be on the Executive Committee for AMOSSHE has been an ambition that I have held for many years.


    Sammy Li (Executive Member)

    Sammy Li (Adviser on Student Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, University of Birmingham) takes the role of AMOSSHE Executive Member for one year. Here’s Sammy’s nomination statement.

    AMOSSHE has been a tremendously supportive community for enabling my transition from an academic role to a Student Services professional four years ago. I have since been an active member at AMOSSHE, contributing as a National Conference presenter and one of the hosts for regional non-lead meetings. AMOSSHE's value proposition is underpinned by the principles of inclusion, equality of opportunity, and respect for diversity. It resonates with my institutional role as a strategic lead on student equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) to ensure that students from all backgrounds have a positive university experience and the best chance to fulfil their potentials. This is also manifested in my international collaborations on student EDI with Student Services at the University of Amsterdam.

    As the Student Services Organisation, it is paramount for us to recognise the diverse needs of students and members from institutions across the UK. The AMOSSHE vision on student success, world-class student experience, and the achievement of institutional goals must be united with our commitment to leave no one behind because of who they are. Therefore, AMOSSHE is best placed to support the development and innovation of members for embedding good practice for an inclusive campus culture.

    However, this will also require the body of Student Services professionals to reflect the diversity of our student population. We need to do more to widen the participation of our regional and national activities. This includes supporting our sector diversifying the leadership pipeline of Student Services and broadening our engagement as the Student Services Organisation.

    Coming from a first-generation in higher education background, the sector has offered me a life-changing opportunity. I would be honoured if I can have your support to allow me to contribute more to this community, and for me to learn more from fellow Student Services professionals.


    Sarah Sweeney (Executive Member)

    Sarah Sweeney (Head of Student Support and Wellbeing, Lancaster University) takes the role of AMOSSHE Executive Member for one year. Here’s Sarah’s nomination statement.

    I would like to be elected to the AMOSSHE Executive Committee because throughout my career I have benefitted from sharing best practice with colleagues in the sector and working through challenges as part of cross-institutional teams, and I would like to help others to do the same. Sharing knowledge and joint working has been particularly helpful in addressing the challenges created by the pandemic. I would really value the opportunity to work with AMOSSHE to support colleagues across the sector to connect, problem solve and learn from each other, and to influence change in the sector through joint working.

    I am passionate about using digital solutions to improve student support services and I am already a member of the AMOSSHE member resources development group. Improving equality, diversity and inclusion is another area I would like to focus on, developing a more inclusive student experience.

    I have a strong enthusiasm and commitment to delivering excellent service to students. I have 17 years of experience working in higher education, gained through leadership roles in academic departments, faculty offices, research centres, and central professional services, and at a national level for HEFCE. I'm currently Head of Student Support and Wellbeing at Lancaster University, where I am responsible for delivery of student support and wellbeing services across the university, working with academic departments and Lancaster's nine colleges to ensure high quality and consistent student support across all areas. I have responsibility for the Counselling and Mental Health Service, Disability and Inclusion Service, Student Advice Service and the University's COVID-19 student response and support team. I was also co-lead on our most recent institutional Athena SWAN submission and delivery plan. Prior to working at Lancaster I worked at Newcastle University where my experience covered student recruitment, marketing, resources, HR, research, quality assurance, student support, and events.


  • 28 May 2021 09:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    AMOSSHE bulletin (opens in a new window)Here's the AMOSSHE bulletin for spring 2021: a roundup of AMOSSHE news, events, and more (click image to view - PDF 3.9 MB).

    In this bulletin find out all about our upcoming National Conference, which features a wide range of learning and good practice for Student Services from across the UK and around the world.

    Also, find out about the hot topics our members have been tackling this spring. These include the role of Student Services in creating an anti-racist culture in higher education, and re-thinking disability services to account for the changes to learning and teaching brought about by the pandemic.

    The bulletin also features updates from AMOSSHE's annual sponsors, whose support helps us deliver our programme of work and who help keep us in touch with developments and research in the sector.

  • 08 April 2021 13:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    As we look forward to the AMOSSHE National Conference 2021, we're delighted that one of our keynote speakers will be Phil Packer MBE, Founder and Non-Paid CEO of the British Inspiration Trust (BRIT). Phil will discuss his extraordinary story and the achievements of the BRIT Challenge.

    Phil has invited every UK university and college to enter teams in the BRIT 2021 Challenge to support young adult mental health and fitness throughout the UK. Due to COVID-19 restrictions the BRIT 2021 Challenge has been extended to 1 July 2021. Universities and colleges now have until 16 May 2021 (the last day of Mental Health Awareness Week) to register teams. If you haven’t seen this super opportunity for all your students and staff to participate, here's a step-by-step guide for how to take part: The BRIT 2021 Challenge.

    The BRIT 2021 Challenge is an inclusive event and free to enter. It's been designed so that students and staff of all abilities can participate either at home or on campus. This is an inspiring feel-good fundraiser and Phil encourages AMOSSHE members and others in higher education to embrace this opportunity for the following reasons:

    • Registration is free, and with a little coordination and promotion, all students and staff can take part, whether on campus or at home.
    • Phil has partnered with Student Minds, PAPYRUS, Nightline and the Charlie Waller Trust so they will all benefit from the vital funds raised.
    • Universities UK, amongst many other education governing bodies including the AoC, Colegau Cymru, Colleges Scotland and the National Union of Students are partnering with BRIT to embrace, champion and promote their BRIT 2021 Challenge.
    • There are many fundraising events and causes that our institutions support, however this is a unique and visionary opportunity for every UK university and college to showcase our collaboration and collective strength in support of young adult mental health.
    • Phil is inviting British sporting icons (Olympians, Paralympians, sports personalities, adventurers and explorers) to choose a university or college and inspire and enthuse our students and staff to take part. This is also a great opportunity to re-engage with sporting alumni. By registering a team, sporting icons can then engage students with video messages and through social media. At a time when we all need some inspiration, this has huge potential for success if we all get behind the challenge.

    The BRIT 2021 Challenge was officially launched on 22 of January (Sporting icons, educators and students unite to support young adult mental health at every UK university and college). Since then, almost seventy institutions have entered teams and over eighty British sporting icons have joined the BRIT Ambassador family to support our students and staff. With our collective support as leaders of Student Services in UK higher education, this will undoubtedly be a success.

  • 25 March 2021 15:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    You can now book your places for all of AMOSSHE's remaining professional development events for this academic year, including the AMOSSHE National Conference 2021! All these events take place online during the day in the British Summer Time (BST) time zone.

    Creating an anti-racist culture: the role and impact of Student Services

    AMOSSHE eventThis conference explores how Student Services leaders and their teams can tackle racism and create an anti-racist culture in higher education, through strategic planning, service delivery and practical initiatives.

    We're so excited about our lineup of inspiring speakers for this event, including Stuart Lawrence (activist, campaigner and author), Professor David Richardson (University of East Anglia), Nkasi Stoll (Black Student Wellbeing Study, Black People Talk, King's College London), Yannick Yalipende (Black People Talk, University College London), Samantha Budd (National Union of Students), Dr Arun Verma (Advance HE), Khadija Mohammed (University of the West of Scotland), Professor Sir Geoff Palmer, Professor Rowena Arshad (University of Edinburgh), Professor Randall Whittaker (Leeds Arts University) and Dr Gurnam Singh (Coventry University).

    When: Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 April 2021

    Cost: £109 for AMOSSHE named members or £149 for non-members

    Book here

    Self-care in Student Services: looking after yourself and your teams

    AMOSSHE eventWe all know that working in Student Services can be challenging at the best of times, with stressful situations to manage and workloads that can often feel overwhelming. The changing contexts brought about by the pandemic have only piled on the pressure. With our focus on the wellbeing and welfare of students, it’s easy to downplay or neglect our own self-care. It’s hard to support ourselves when trying to support others – but we’ve got to walk the walk as well as talk the talk! This practical workshop for Student Services leaders in higher education provides ideas, techniques and perspectives to help you support your own mental health and wellbeing at work, as well as that of your colleagues.

    Join us to explore how you can support yourself and your colleagues when managing stressful situations directly (handling difficult people or traumatic situations, pressure to perform or deliver, disrupted work-life balance) and also when encountering other people's stress and distress. Take part in activities designed to develop your approach to self-care, and learn ways to ensure that your teams are as well considered and supported as your students. Discover for yourself how creativity can enhance your wellbeing, and share your experiences and ideas with peers in a supportive, positive space.

    When: Wednesday 19 May 2021 from 09:30 to 13:30 (BST)

    Cost: £59 for AMOSSHE named members or £99 for non-members

    Book here

    AMOSSHE National Conference 2021

    AMOSSHE eventThe AMOSSHE National Conference 2021 is an opportunity to reflect on the energy, creativity and commitment of Student Services, establish strategic connections, and take our achievements forward. The conference is an inspirational, collaborative space for Student Services leaders to share expertise and good practice, develop strategy and skills, and build professional networks.

    The key themes for this conference are reflections, connections and ambitions:

    • Reflections – let’s take time to review what has taken place in higher education during the year, including our understanding of the student experience, and how different kinds of students have been impacted in new and unexpected ways. Let’s evaluate and appreciate the innovative work that Student Services teams have undertaken, adapting quickly and flexibly to the demands created by the pandemic and emerging sector issues.
    • Connections – the impact of the pandemic, as well as social movements such as campaigns to tackle racism, inequality and sexual harassment, have emphasised the importance of collaboration and networks. It’s vital to ensure that our students and colleagues are connected and meaningfully engaged. Let’s identify how Student Services can work with colleagues and communities within and outside higher education through co-creation, evidence-based understanding and action learning.
    • Ambitions – let’s look forward to the future of Student Services, drawing on all we’ve learned and the connections we’ve made. What are our strategic ambitions as Student Services leaders? How can we leverage the high-profile attention on our work this year to establish innovative approaches and responsive services that enhance and develop students? Let’s consider how we further establish ourselves as positive, proactive leaders, developing skills and finding solutions.

    When: Wednesday 14 to Friday 16 July 2021

    Cost: £185 for AMOSSHE named members or £225 for non-members

    You can take your pick of all the sessions over the three days, and you'll get recordings of all the presentation-based sessions afterwards!

    Book here

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