When assessing engagement opportunities, AMOSSHE will consider these guiding questions:
As relationships develop and information is passed on to members, AMOSSHE needs to be clear about the nature of its business relationships with external partners. The statements below give a guide to the parameters of these relationships. However, due consideration needs to be given to every situation.
AMOSSHE is in a unique position to influence the sector and engage with potential sponsor organisations whose expertise or services are utilised by a number of our members. AMOSSHE recognises that some relationships may be more challenging that others to some of our members, and this policy aims to clarify the process that will be employed when considering requests for sponsorship and partnership working.
If any member has a concern about any sponsor or relationship AMOSSHE has, they should bring this to the attention of the Executive Director and Vice Chair (Operations) in the first instance. If the concern cannot be resolved formally at this stage, it will be escalated to the Executive Committee to agree a final majority decision.